Valve has big plans for Steam, with rumours flying around that the PC games company could be developing its own console. However, while marketing director Doug Lombardi said that there could very well be a Valve console in the future, it won't be for quite a long time."It's a long way from Valve shipping any sort of hardware," Lombardi said in a recent interview. "We're prepping the Steam Big Picture Mode UI and getting ready to ship that, so we're building boxes to test that on," he added, referring to a new interface that will allow the platform to be used on TVs and other displays.
"We're also doing a bunch of different experiments with biometric feedback and stuff like that, which we've talked about a fair amount," Lombardi said. So clearly, the focus is on taking over the living room via PC-connected TVs first of all. When asked if it was true that Valve may well look into console development in the far, far future, Lombardi said, "I think that's accurate."