It’s the tradesman’s entrance for Xbox as penguin sneaks console onto web via back door

Play online from the very first day

Posted by Staff
Ha ha, it's me again! Eat my cold fishy shorts Bill!
Ha ha, it's me again! Eat my cold fishy shorts Bill!
Stunning news has emerged from America, that Linux devotees have managed to put the Xbox online, well before Microsoft wanted its fledgling machine to be out in the big bad world.

Called Xbox Gateway or XBOXGW, the software is described by its makers like this: “XBOXGW is an application that was developed to expand the capabilities of System Link games for the Microsoft XBOX. The basic functionality of this program is very similar to an Ethernet bridge. This one just happens to be smart enough to only bridge XBOX game traffic, and to split it up to the right players as to not take unnecessary bandwidth.”

What this means is, if you can find a Linux server, common in office networks, you can download a bit of software, plug your Xbox Ethernet cable into the Linux box, and play online right from the word go.

This news is bound to really, really infuriate Microsoft’s Xbox team. It is well known that Microsoft is thrashing out online deals for Xbox, in some of the biggest Internet wranglings the world has seen for some time.


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