Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is getting a new mode and new maps. Yes, new things for an unreleased game. Eh?
Basically the game itself - from Valve - is due for release via Playstation Network, Xbox Live Arcade, and Steam (for PC and Mac) in early 2012. But to keep us all bubbling along, Valve's announced:
Arsenal Mode is based on the popular Counter-Strike: Source mod Gun Game.
There will also be "Arsenal: Arms Race" and "Arsenal: Demolition", which add eight new maps.
Sadly there is also a quote from Michael Barr project lead of Gun Game. Let's assume he did say what follows rather than having it spewed out in a "I really couldn't give a shit - get the PR mail-merge program to do it" sort of a way. Anyway, "We are excited that Valve reached out and is working with us to ensure Arsenal Mode is the best version of Gun Game."