Cliff Bleszinski Wants Dynamic Difficulty - Just Not in Gears 3

And it's a bloody good idea

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Cliff Bleszinski Wants Dynamic Difficulty - Just Not in Gears 3
It's easy to take the rise out of self-publicising, uber-American and general all around wise guy Cliff Bleszinski - but even we've got to concede that he does think deeply about his gaming. So, when he talks about Dynamic Difficulty, it's a doff of the cap.

"Games should detect if you haven't played for a bit and then soften the difficulty a smidge upon return", he points out on his Twitter feed.

He continues in 140 characters or less, "Then ramp it back up slightly. Most games assume you're resuming moments later when your skills might not be as 'warm.' I've fired up a few games that I'm late in after not playing for a while and gotten creamed".

And then, tragically if, like me you're no good at Gears, "And no we don't have this in G3. But I want to experiment with it in the future."

Gold star for Mr B'.

and more Twitter and even more Twitter.


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