UK Politicians Use Miyamoto to Clamp Down on Gaming

While also managing to spell his name wrong

Posted by Staff
UK Politicians Use Miyamoto to Clamp Down on Gaming
The UK House of Commons has attracted a massive 11 signatures to an early day motion that seeks to get kids off video games and to tighten up sales of 18-rated games. And they've used Nintendo genius Shigeru Miyamoto as an excuse.

The motion reads:

"That this House welcomes the call by Shigero (sic) Miyamoto, creator of Super Mario, for people to drop their joypads and venture out into the sunlight once in a while;

"recognises that video games have addictive properties;

"notes that children flourish when they undertake a variety of extra-curricular experience;

"further notes the current Hungarian EU Presidency priority of protecting minors from harmful audiovisual media content in media legislation;

"is concerned about the potential impact of violent video games on those under 18; and calls on the Government to ensure the purchase of video games by those under 18 is carefully controlled and that parents are encouraged to limit the amount of time children spend on video games."

It's a backdoor to legislation for sure. But what Keith Vaz and the other sponsors of the motion: Katy Clark (Labour), Jeremy Corbyn (Labour), Jim Dobbin (Labour), Mike Hancock (LibDem), David Simpson (Democratic Unionist Party) might like to do first... is show some respect to Mr Shigeru Miyamoto by getting his damned name right.

The motion was tabled on 13.05.2011 - to not much interest.

See the Motion here.


Cfan 23 May 2011 12:49
Only thing politicians are good at:

Filling their pockets with tax payer money.

Screwing up.

Being out of touch with real world.

Screwing up.
Cfan 23 May 2011 12:50
Things* sorry, I almost looked as dumb as Keith Vaz.
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