Cliff Bleszinski: People Think I'm Up Microsoft's Ass

He's not though

Posted by Staff
Cliff Bleszinski: People Think I'm Up Microsoft's Ass
Bulletstorm designer Cliff Bleszinski wants people to know that while he hates the PS3's DualShock controller ("it's like putting Kanji on the f--ing thing") he doesn't hate the PS3.

In a recent Bitmob podcast he points out that:

"People like to think I'm all up Microsoft's ass... Bulletstorm is out on PlayStation. It's in our best interest, as a studio, to have our technology on PlayStation. I love picking up Scott Pilgrim on Blu-ray and watching it.

"God of War is fantastic, I'm thoroughly looking forward to Uncharted but there's just little things that, as a creative, just bug the s--t out of me and they bubble up on the top of N4G and I feed on the tears of fanboys."



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