THQ Forming New Voltron Games

Coinciding with new toys, cartoon, film.

Posted by Staff
THQ Forming New Voltron Games
Form feet and legs! Form arms and body! And I'll form the head! Eighties cartoon Voltron is getting a modern-day reboot, and THQ is making a number of tie-in games to see the lock-on super robot's return.

The news comes after it was announced that Nicktoons will be running episodes of a new TV series alongside a line of Mattel toys. The first of THQ's games will launch alongside the rollout of the cartoon show.

But what about the live-action feature film that started all this revival nonsense? Don't worry, that's still being made - the idea is that Voltron already has a stable following by the time the movie hits cinema screens.

There's no word as to when the games will land on our shores, but the fact that it's Voltron is enough to get any kid from the early-80s excited, right? Unless they completely reboot it and make it ghastly. Let's hope not.


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