It has been alleged that key games retailers will stop selling titles that integrate the popular steam service due to its supposed monopoly on the current games download market.The service, run by developer Valve, serves up to 80% of the PC download sector, causing retailers to be wary of what they see will affect their own download distribution services once they get off the ground.
Titles such as
Call of Duty and
Fallout have Steam functionality built-in but the retailers are concerned that titles that carry this tech will steadily push users towards only buying games via Valve's online service.
Two unnamed major retailers in the UK have demanded that publishers remove the facility from their titles or they will not sell their games at all. The CEO of Gaikai, David Perry, added that Steam could evolve into the gaming equivalent of iTunes where it would control the distribution market as opposed to the current existing model. He added that “Steam has made it so easy for everyone and they have lots of users. But how long do you wait before you take control of your own digital strategy? Like with iTunes, at some point it’s going to be too late.”
Retailers just blowing off a lot of hot air or is Steam a genuine threat to their major interests and revenue stream? Any thoughts, feel free to post them down below.