Another Century's Episode: R's claim of the Japanese Software Chart has meant great things for the PlayStation 3 in this week's Hardware Chart (16th - 22nd August 2010, courtesy Media Create), as Sony's home console takes the lead, surpassing even the handheld leader, the PSP.
Home Console
PS3: 29,433 (33,057)
Wii: 18,145 (25,072)
360: 3,842 (5,065)
PS2: 1,366 (1,675)
PSP: 27,554 (35,734)
DSi LL: 21,179 (27,923)
DSi: 20,030 (24,850)
DS Lite: 4,012 (4,809)
PSP Go: 631 (608)
(Previous week's unit sales in brackets for comparison)
It's something of a hollow win though, if you take into account week-on-week sales, as practically every platform has seen a fall in units over the last Hardware chart. The only system to see any gains over last week is the PSP Go, but it's only by 23 units and the platform itself continues to languish at the bottom of the handheld chart, threatening itself with relegation with each passing week.
There seems to be something of a vice-versa trend when it comes to comparing the Software and Hardware charts – when one of them is up, the other one is down. Let's hope we see some releases that see positive gains for both sides of the Japanese industry.