Kojima Updates World on Castlevania: Lords of Shadow

Kojima talks subs vs dubs, voiceover process for new Castlevania game

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Kojima Updates World on Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
Hideo Kojima spilling yet more beans in the direction of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. Not only do we know about the voice actors, now we're in his head in terms of how the voice versioning happens.

Referring to the localisation process that is underway for the newest Castlevania title, Kojima has tweeted on the issue following debate stiring from some of his followers regarding the matter (kindly translated by Andriasang :

"For both dubbing and subtitles, the question is if it's 'a dubbing done with love' or 'a subtitling done with love'. So, you can't simply say if one is good or bad."

"If you understood the original language, there would be no need for this. However, as the first step in understanding a different culture, subtitles or dubbing are effective. I believe they're necessary in order to get started with the different cultures of the world."

It appears that Kojima wants to give a well-rounded response to the issue and would take each case on its own merits rather than generalise about the point under debate.

Kojima further went on to write on his Twitter page that for the Japanese dub of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow they will be recording the voiceovers first and then do the lipsynching of the in-game characters afterwards which is the reverse of how the process is normally done.

We know that Kojima is a regular Tweeter but it also acts a reliable means for continuous information from the father of Metal Gear Solid. Do you have any preferences for a particular language when playing games? Are you quite open about the options or are you a staunch advocate of subs and Japanese voices, or English-dubbed voice instead? Show us your tastes in the comments below.


realvictory 17 Aug 2010 12:15
I think what counts isn't the language itself, but the quality of the acting - that's what makes it convincing. I don't mind subtitles at all, as long as the speaking actually adds to the game.

I know there are a few games with not-so-good voice acting (ok, it's not purely the "acting", it's about matching the character to the voice), which is probably less preferable to foreign speech with subtitles :P

Also, if it's a game clearly situated in a particular place (e.g. Japan) then it would make the game less convincing to have speech that doesn't match (e.g. Japanese characters speaking with an American voice).
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