Sonic Team's Yuji Naka's & the New Nintendo Title

Posted by Staff
Sonic the Hedgehog creator Yuji Naka is bringing a new game to the Wii and the DS. This one doesn't require the use of a cardboard box. It's called Ivy the Kiwi?. The question mark is part of the name.

Says the blurb, "Ivy the Kiwi? follows the storybook adventures of a lonely baby bird as she traverses beautiful 2-D landscapes and challenging obstacles in search of her mother. Players guide Ivy through her daunting journey utilising a unique control scheme: vines created and controlled by the player who aims to collect feathers to boost his score.

"There are over 100 stages for DS and Wii, and multiplayer modes are available. Uniquely, special 'Mini' versions of the game will also be available on DSiWare and WiiWare, comprised of 50 levels each."

Ivy the Kiwi? Will be released throughout Europe this autumn, courtesy of leading games publisher Rising Star Games.


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