It's slow goings in this week's Japanese Hardware Chart (17th - 23rd May 2010, courtesy Media Create), as despite a wave of new software releases almost every single platform has seen their sales figures drop week-on-week.
Home Console
PS3: 19,075 (20,463)
Wii: 18,465 (17,570)
360: 4,656 (4,370)
PS2: 1,175 (1,293)
PSP: 22,462 (24,475)
DSi LL: 14,108 (15,879)
DSi: 9,356 (9,990)
DS Lite: 2,681 (2,695)
PSP Go: 851 (871)
(Previous week's unit sales in brackets for comparison)
The PSP 3000-series had the best time of it, but that's not saying a lot – the 22,462 figure is paltry compared to its 50,000-odd number just a few weeks ago. Lost Planet 2 appeared to be more of a catalyst for Xbox 360 sales, as that was one of the only consoles to see any gains, marginal as they were (the Wii was the other, by the way). Not even the power of Winning Eleven boosted interest in the PlayStation family.
Worse news yet is for the PSP Go, which has seen its sales freefall since its launch late last year. Now hardware figures are in the triple-digits, and this week that number has dropped another 20 units still. We wonder what Sony's plan for the digital distribution platform will be – 'going forward,' of course.