Dead Woman's Family Gets Millions for Win-a-Wii Drinking Comp Tragedy

Radio station has to pay up

Posted by Staff
Dead Woman's Family Gets Millions for Win-a-Wii Drinking Comp Tragedy
The family of US woman, Jennifer Strange, who died after taking part in a radio station competition to win a Wii, has been awarded $16.5 million in compensation. The award is to be paid by the company that owns the radio station.

Back in 2007 we reported that "a 28-year old North American woman, Jennifer Strange, was found dead in her bedroom after competing in a radio competition to win a Nintendo Wii."

The competition, run by the radio station in Sacramento, California was called "Hold Your Wee For A Wii" and entailed drinking as much water as possible.

According to the ABC in the States, "After two weeks of deliberations, jurors last week found Entercom Sacramento LLC, a subsidiary of Philadelphia-based Entercom Communications Corp., liable for the actions of its employees at Sacramento radio station KDND-FM, the Associated Press reported."


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