Denis Dyack: Gamers have too Much Choice

We need a single platform

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Denis Dyack
Denis Dyack
The ever-outspoken Denis Dyack, founder of Too Human developer Silicon Knights, reckons there are too many games in the world and people are ignoring them because of it.

Speaking at Develop down in Brighton, Dyack said, "There were 300 or so games released last November. We're in a state of performance over supply. We're making more games than consumers can possibly consume. Marketing is having a disproportionate effect over the success of games because there's so many out there people are ignoring us. Sometimes it doesn't matter if your game's good or not; if you don't have that marketing support it won't happen."

And there as us thinking that choice was a good thing. The solution to all this choice? It's one Dyack's trumpeted before - a single platform.

Dyack compared games to movies, saying, "If you look at the film industry there's only one projector." There's also DVD, Blu-ray, TV, pay-per-view and TV on demand, but we don't want to be churlish...

Dyack went on, "We need to get to a point where we have one medium you can play the games on. Right now we've got five or six." He pointed to cloud-based systems such as OnLive as a possible solution.

He said that "The value of technology is becoming less and less significant compared to the games that are on it", stating that the cost of R&D is spiralling and stating that publishers are having a harder and harder time making money.

Dyack claimed that if the industry doesn't move towards a single platform, the current model will collapse on itself. He went on to say that, "...We don't want three copies or three different versions of the same game, we don't want to have something special for this controller, or some special character for this downloadable platform, we just want to make our game and we want to make money from it and we want, as entertainment developers, to create our one vision. That's eventually what's going to follow because it has to."

Are you suffering from choice fatigue? Would a single console help you out? Or would that single console lead even less diversity in games? Let us know in the Forum.

Source: Videogamer


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