PlayStation 3 Beats Wii in Japan

The weekly Media Create figures

Posted by Staff
The PlayStation 3 outsold every other gaming system last week in Japan. Convincingly, when it came to home consoles - although the PSP and DSi both gave the system a close run.

With 36,513 sales the PS3 was only a smidgeon ahead of the its nearest contender, the DSi (35,827). When you look down the list for the nearest home system, however, you need to skip over the PSP (35,588 - a hair's breadth from the DSi) to get to the Wii with 17,876.

The credit for the PS3's success has to be given to SEGA's Yakuza 3, which dominated the software chart with an impressive 372,000 sales. The limited edition 'Dragon' PS3 bundle that was released alongside the game won't have hurt hardware sales, either.

You can see the full hardware chart, chronicling the week from 23/02 - 02/03, below.

PS3: 36,513
DSi: 35,827
PSP: 35,588
Wii: 17,876
Xbox 360: 11,795
DS Lite: 11,774
PS2: 5,099

Source: Media Create via Chart Get


mrAnthony 6 Mar 2009 10:13
that's so weird, seeing PS3 at the top of the list.

also, seeing the Sega logo at the top of the PS3 box, along side yakuza 3. it's almost like Sega have brought out a new console, with Shenmue 3 as the launch title.

SuperSaiyan4 6 Mar 2009 13:49
Closest thing Sega to ever getting to having their name against a console again lol the irony!

So I guess Sega still feel the need to make a game exclusively still and for the PS3 even though they are in trouble money wise still...

Nice looking PS3 shame that all the latest models are the degraded versions.
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Carolli 8 Mar 2009 09:51
I heart that ps3 paint job. Will we see that ltd edition when the game is released outside of JP?
Ash 8 Mar 2009 14:05
They actually have games for PS3/PSP/DS over there though. We don't get half the crap over here. We're left with rubbish titles claimed to be made for a "western" audience.
mrAnthony 8 Mar 2009 16:05
we don't have good DS games? you're joking right. sure there's a lot of shovel wear, but there is on any successful console.
SuperSaiyan4 9 Mar 2009 12:09
In my opinion the DS is a far better handheld with fun games and better games than the PSP.
LoL :) 22 Mar 2009 04:50
It could also be that a large part of the population already have a Wii :p.
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