Sony Unsurprised by Final Fantasy XIII Exclusivity Loss

Sony points to end of the third-party exclusive

Posted by Staff
Sony Unsurprised by Final Fantasy XIII Exclusivity Loss
Jack Tretton, president of Sony Computer Entertainment America, has said that he is unsurprised by the announcement that Final Fantasy XIII won't be a PS3 exclusive.

Speaking at a meeting with assembled game writers, Tretton reportedly said, "Am I disappointed by it? Yes. Am I surprised? No."

So, why the lack of surprise? "It's going to be harder and harder to hold on to franchises." He then reiterated the fact that FFXIII will remain a platform-exclusive in Japan. The eight Xbox 360 owners in Japan are no doubt gutted. Hearing one of Sony's top men signal that the company expects to lose franchises certainly doesn't bode well for the third-party exclusive.

It was announced as part of Microsoft's E3 press conference that Final Fantasy XIII will appear on the Xbox 360. The series has traditionally been console-exclusive to PlayStation where big, 'proper' entries into the franchise are concerned.

This resignation to not being able to hold on to third-party exclusives isn't new to Sony, however. Over a year ago Phil Harrison, then the head of Sony's worldwide studios, said that he didn't think the PS3 had the installed base to hang on to GTA IV.

Reading between the lines of comments from Square Enix producer Shinji Hashimoto, it looks like a line of thinking that applies to FFXIII. "We considered the hardware situation. Because of that, we considered the spread of the hardware, so that's why we decided that", he said.

For more on the future of third-party exclusives, see SPOnG's recent feature.

Source: Kotaku


SuperSaiyan4 17 Jul 2008 15:46
Why would he or Sony be suprised they also lost the following:

Ridge Racer
Ace Combat
Dragonball Z
Devil May Cry

And many others I think especially as far as Japanese games are concerned and even Japanese RGP's the 360 has the most of every genre.

Sony are losing exclusives and top titles because they are no longer competing against well themselves since the PS2 vs Xbox 1 the PS2 was miles and miles ahead in global sales.

This time the 360 is beating the PS3 for HD hardware gaming.

All in all I personally feel FF13 announcement was a HUGE one and shocked the world well imo.
deleted 17 Jul 2008 15:50
So how come MS can seem to hold on to 3rd party exclusives?

Sony’s just talking it down as they are hit and hurt by this, its massive loss for Sony and for them to be so passive and state that 3rd party exclusives are not going to happen much anymore then explain why MS can have them?

Mass Effect? Fallout 3?, Gears?, Too Human? And many many more,

the problem stands that the 360 user base is big enough for exclusives to work, the PS3 user base is big but not big enough to hold exclusives and at the same time the 360 user base is too big to be ignored by 3rd parties.

hence why we are also seeing timed exclusives more and more on 360, games like Bioshock can launch and sell on 360 and after time can be ported over and sell a few more on ps3, it makes sense to have these user base figures and guarantees’ on 360 for a 3rd party to always consider it first or at the same time as PS3.

How long till Konami release MGS4 on 360? Because it will happen and it will sell better on 360 than on PS3.

Reason? The fan boy is a dying breed although plenty still exist many people are now aware that it is the content that counts, sure a Sony fan boy could buy his PS3 and think it’s the best thing in the world go trolling around the web and play blurays till his heart is content, but his heart will never be, because every PS3 owner (me myself and I included) must feel a little disappointed to the fact they have very few quality games, sooner or later they will look for those games and 360 is where it’s at, I’m not picking on the PS3 next gen maybe the PS4 will turn it around and the XBOX 720 will fail, it’s about content always has been and always will be, and if said exclusives aren’t they then it’s to the console with the most gaming quality the gamers will go!
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Joe 17 Jul 2008 17:49
MGS4 on 360? Are you retarded, it would take 6 dvd discs? FF13 is being made for PS3 first, so I will be surprised if it is not on multiple discs for the 360. Either that, or they will just have to lower the quality of the game to fit on a DVD disc.
Saurian 17 Jul 2008 19:19
MSG4 is perfectly possible. Why do these Sony fanboys keep saying ' 4 discs' or 6 discs'. It seems to be a problem to them. Ok so the DVD cannot store anywhere near the amount the BluRay can. But then again, the 360 can play all games straight from the disc. The PS3 cannot. This seems perfectly OK to the Sony faithfull. They don't seem to mind that most half decent games have to be installed to the hard drive to get over the long load times and lag. You will most likely find that all the game will fit on one DVD. Its not that long. It just all the cut scenes that take up the space. So having them on 3 or 4 DVD's wont matter at all. They are only worth watching once. And, on 360, you get the choice whether to install the full game or not. Its not compulsory or it wont play like on PS3. If MSG4 comes out on 360, it will easily be able to cope. Whether it comes to 360 we will just have to wait and see. I'm not personally bothered.
deleted 17 Jul 2008 19:22
Joe wrote:
MGS4 on 360? Are you retarded, it would take 6 dvd discs? FF13 is being made for PS3 first, so I will be surprised if it is not on multiple discs for the 360. Either that, or they will just have to lower the quality of the game to fit on a DVD disc.

ok first off no I’m not retarded, but thanks for asking

second, a DVD averages at 8GB, meaning 50 GB of METAL GEAR SOLID would work out at 6.25 discs well done on your math’s, now that s uncompressed, so firstly all cut scenes and the overall game resolution can be lowered to 720p/1080i, reducing the game by around a 3rd, that would then give us about 33GB, then the game can be compressed with clever compressing etc, 7.1 sound won’t be needed as its 360 so 5.1 digital would do, I reckon reducing the overall again by a 3rd giving us 16GB give or take, which means it could quite possibly fit on 2 discs, just because Sony has 50GB discs available doesn’t mean it needs using, and how do we know the full Bluray disc was used?,

another point would be what difference is there in swapping discs (5-10 seconds) to having multi installs on PS3 (5-7 Mins) hmmm?

yet another fan boy comment, compression can reduce a games size without compromising the quality of a game, if your into PSP and homebrew, you can backup a game that is around 1GB and by using a CSO compressor it them can be reduced to 600-700MB and that’s using a crude compression program, with advanced compression tools a very large file can be made very small with very minimal loss.

Kind of how your brain takes everything that you read about 360 and compresses it into a fan boy command of retard!
jcrow 17 Jul 2008 20:32
hmm you know you saying that his "fanboy" compression made him retarded doesnt really help out your argument that compression doesnt hurt gaming quality.
Bdizzle 17 Jul 2008 20:43
You were spot in your assumption but you can't compare the memory size required on a one disc to that of a multidisc.

"second, a DVD averages at 8GB, meaning 50 GB of METAL GEAR SOLID would work out at 6.25 discs well done on your math’s, now that s uncompressed, so firstly all cut scenes and the overall game resolution can be lowered to 720p/1080i, reducing the game by around a 3rd, that would then give us about 33GB, then the game can be compressed with clever compressing etc, 7.1 sound won’t be needed as its 360 so 5.1 digital would do, I reckon reducing the overall again by a 3rd giving us 16GB give or take, which means it could quite possibly fit on 2 discs, just because Sony has 50GB discs available doesn’t mean it needs using, and how do we know the full Bluray disc was used?, "

It most likely take 5 or 6 DVDs to bring MGS 4 to an Xbox port when dumbed down to xbox standards. The main reason why it would take so many disc is that each disc would need the base code (ie Engines, charater models, gui's, etc) or an install to place these components on the HDD. INstalls would render the core 360 obsolete. It is so much easier on one disc because you can pile on rather than duplicating base code. It would almost mean that each act of MGS4 would be almost its own seperate game on XBOX 360.

The worst thing for playstation 3 owners is that when you buy a multiplat game you get the dumbed down product (720p/1080i(maybe), 5.1 vice 7.1, and less object) on ps3 so that it can "be the same as the 360" so in actually you don't get the maximized experience that the ps3 deserves. Really they shouldn't even put it on a blu-ray disc because it is a waste of 40GB of space, and the ps3 will read dvd's. Kojima gave you the best that the PS3 has to offer, which just so happens to be the best in video gaming today. Applause to konami and kojima.
XKaiminalX 18 Jul 2008 09:53
Ok that made me laugh, the 8 XBOX 360 owners in Japan are gutted. I didn't even know that there was 8 owners.
sonicthehedgehog1899 18 Jul 2008 18:21
that's what they get for stealing trusty bell ;-)
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