Sony: US April Figures Show 410% PS3 Software Boost

Hardware sales also take a leap

Posted by Staff
Jack Tretton
Jack Tretton
Sony has given its take on the NPD sales data for the US in April, telling us that it shows a year on year growth of 410% for PS3 software sales.

The figures also show good news in terms of hardware sales, marking a 127% growth.

Sony crowed about the attach rate for GTA IV, telling us, “23.6% of U.S. PS3 owners purchasing a copy of Grand Theft Auto IV, a 29.0% higher attach rate for the title than Xbox 360.” The 360 version outsold the PS3 version by 850,000 copies.

The total hardware revenue for PlayStation products was $126.2 million (£64.8million) in April, a 19.4% growth on the same period last year. Software revenue for April was $215.1 million (£110.4 million), a growth of 68.6% on last year.

Also noted was the performance of the Dual Shock 3, with generated sales upwards of $10.9 million (£5.6 million) in April.

It should be borne in mind, of course, that the PS3 was over 17 months into its lifespan in the US by the end of April. This time last year it was just over five months in, so a sizeable growth in its performance was to be expected. Still, the figures are impressive.

Sony Computer Entertainment America's CEO, Jack Tretton, said, “Clearly, the tremendous legacy of Grand Theft Auto on PlayStation, combined with the blockbuster launch of Gran Turismo 5 Prologue packed a one-two punch with consumers at retail this month. The proof is in the numbers and, in April, PlayStation 3 hardware sales experienced a 127% increase over April of last year. PS3 momentum is fueled by enthusiasm for Blu-ray as the definitive high def standard and the growing number of consumers gearing up for some of the most anticipated titles of the year, exclusively for PS3, including the June release of Metal Gear Solid 4, and other great exclusives in the second half on the year, such as Resistance 2, SOCOM: Confrontation and LittleBigPlanet to name a few. With exciting PlayStation Network innovations and our strongest console-driving titles of the year still on the horizon, PS3 remains on pace for a breakthrough year.”


SuperSaiyan4 19 May 2008 10:43
And yet personally there are hardly any games apart from maybe 1 or 2 that I might want for the PS3, lots of games are now on the 360 like Ridge Racer, Devil May Cry, Dragonball Z and Ace Combat is exclusve on 360. What does that tell us? If those games stayed on the PS3 I would have kept mine for sure.
If you look at the attach rate of games for each console I am sure you will find the 360 selling the most software.
headcasephil 19 May 2008 12:07
OXM Says Ace Combat 6 Is 360 (Timed) Exclusive

The latest Official Xbox Mag has a whopping great preview of Ace Combat 6 for the 360, and also the not-very-unexpected-at-all-really news that it's exclusive for the 360.'s a timed exclusive. I'm of the opinion that a timed exclusive isn't really an exclusive at all, but then I'm also of the opinion a man can wear sandals and socks if the weather permits, so make of that what you will.

In the end, while the 360 version gets all the glory in first place, both consoles get Ace Combat 6, Namco makes twice as much money, everyone's happy. Luke Plunkett

Confirmed: Ace Combat 6 Exclusive to Xbox 360 [Evil Avatar]

Ace Combat 6 to be 'Timed' Exclusive [PS3 Forums]

quoted from

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schnide 19 May 2008 15:39
phil cort wrote:
I'm of the opinion a man can wear sandals and socks if the weather permits

DoctorDee 19 May 2008 16:30
phil cort wrote:
OXM Says Ace Combat 6 Is 360 (Timed) Exclusive

Pretty much and multi-platform game that isn't sim released on all platforms is a "Platform Exclusive" for a while! It's making lemonade, isn't it:

Publishing suit 1: "Guys, we want this game out as soon as possible, and we want it out on all platforms simultaneously, so we can leverage the out of the box synergies of our marketing budget going forward 24-7!"

Producer: "Erm... I'm afraid PS3 development is running six weeks behind Xbox 360, so if you want sim release, you'll have to hold the 360 version back for six weeks"

Publishing suit 1: "The hell with it... we'll see how much we can screw out of Microsoft in development support for a timed exclusive, that'll cover the extra marketing costs."

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