DVD-enabled Wii On The Way

Details from Nintendo inside

Posted by Staff
DVD-enabled Wii On The Way
Nintendo has issued an email to consumers to let them know that further details of a DVD-enabled Wii will be released later in 2007.

Nintendo and partner Sonic Solutions revealed in November last year that a Wii with DVD functionality would be launching at some unspecified point in the future. A Go Nintendo reader decided to find out more on when it will be released, and received the following response from Nintendo:

"As you know, Nintendo and Sonic Solutions have made an agreement to allow Nintendo the use of Sonic Solutions' DVD technology in a future version of the Wii console. However, launch details, like where (regions or countries) it will sell, release date, or price (although it will be more expensive than the original version) are currently unavailable and won't be revealed until sometime in the latter half of 2007. It will not be available as an add-on attachment."

SPOnG has contacted Nintendo UK this morning to request more concrete details. However, it has to be said that if you don’t own a DVD player by now, then you really should! There’s no excuse, you can get them in Asda for a tenner!


Joji 5 Mar 2007 12:22
Right now, as good an option that it would be, I want Nintendo to get Wii online for gaming. This is far more important to everyone.
Smelly 5 Mar 2007 16:23
>This is far more important to everyone.

Not me! I dont give a flying chuff about online gaming. I always find online games dull as s**te tbh.
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