Complete NES Collection Now Over $26K

Some people don't know when to stop

Posted by Staff
This is what £13K looks like in NES form
This is what £13K looks like in NES form
It seems that Virtual Console is forcing old timers to part with their property before it is totally devalued - eBay seller sonyabscott's collection of every NES game ever licensed, which went on sale January 24th, has cracked the $25K mark. The collection's going for an impressive $26,100 (£13,272) at the time of press.

SPOnG did the maths and that works out at $38.95 (£19.81) per game. That strikes us as ‘spectacularly wonderful’ in our calmer moments – even if, realistically you’d probably only pay £5 per NES game. The 670 games are supported by a NES and 12 accessories (including an actual Rob the Robot… erm… robot, which should fetch a pretty penny on its own).

Most of the games are also available for download with a little bit of digging around the Internet. Apparently the bidders feel that there's no substitute for having a copy of the game in your hands. SPOnG, of course, is concerned that anybody should put a price on such gaming history – these games should be vested with us to caretake for the nation.

You can check it out and purchase it for SPOnG here.

Is £13K too much or too little for such a retro games collection? Let us know in the Forum.


DoctorDee 30 Jan 2007 16:53
Is he selling these games unboxed? He doesn't Say they are ALL boxed, and he seems to be selling the instuction manuals in a separate auction! And (s)he also has some orther auctions for NES game boxes.

Looks expensive to me!

billson 30 Jan 2007 19:21
i hope sumone bids a million dollars on this to make it null and void lol.
SPInGSPOnG 31 Jan 2007 11:24
This auction got bid up to $350,000 yesterday, but the seller cancelled the bid because he doesn't think it was genuine. He's cancelled a 25 of bids at present. We're currently back down to $20,000 now - but surely he can't think that's serious for a bunch of unboxed games wirthout manuals.

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