Woman Dies After Radio Show Comp To Win Wii

Californian lady expires due to water intoxication

Posted by Staff
Woman Dies After Radio Show Comp To Win Wii
In a story of immense sadness, stupidity and recklessness, a 28-year old North American woman, Jennifer Strange, was found dead in her bedroom after competing in a radio competition to win a Nintendo Wii.

Following her performance in the competition, entitled ‘Hold Your Wee For A Wii’, which involved drinking as much water as possible, Ms strange had called in sick to work complaining of intense head pain.

According to an Associated Press report, “She said to one of our supervisors that she was on her way home and her head was hurting her real bad," said Laura Rios, one of Strange's co-workers at Radiological Associates of Sacramento.

The competition was run by radio station KDND 107.9 and appears to have had no medical supervision. Entrants were, however, told that it could be deterimental to their health. According to another contestant, James Ybarra of Woodland, California, "They told us if you don't feel like you can do this, don't put your health at risk”.

Ybarra stopped after drinking five half-pint bottles but maintains that after he stopped, the other contestants were given bigger bottles.

Expect the mainstream media to pick this story and somehow blame the Wii itself rather than the human beings involved in the tragic events.


majin dboy 15 Jan 2007 10:55
thing is the media is guaranteed to have "wii" linked to "dies/death/fatality" etc in headline becuase it gets people reading and after all its their job to create interesting and captivating headlines and articles.

were i have a problem is when nintendo gets blamed,not what the headline is.
SPInGSPOnG 15 Jan 2007 11:52
Methinks SPOnG doth protest too much.

After all YOU didn't use the headline "Woman Dies after Drinking too Much Water", prefering instead the killer combination of "Death" and "Wii".

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majin dboy 15 Jan 2007 12:41
hey i thot that aswell but as the article went onto condem this type news headline,spong are slighty exempt from bashery.

BUT...the fact still remains i have read one article today on spong and it is the one with wii and death in the headline,so really spong are doing the same thing,using headlines to increase readership/traffic/posting(dam) etc.

so what is the solution-spong shudnt run the story,we know the media are misleading,but are you (spong)not being hypocritical buy running this story?even tho there is condemnation,you are still acheiving the same effect of other journalists who you have condemend.

my head is melted.

TimSpong 15 Jan 2007 13:51
Rod Todd wrote:
Methinks SPOnG doth protest too much.

After all YOU didn't use the headline "Woman Dies after Drinking too Much Water", prefering instead the killer combination of "Death" and "Wii".

SPOnG is NOT a mainstream media outlet; we specialise in the video-games industry; the story was related to a piece of hardware of interest to OUR readers. Therefore the story was pertinent (albeit at the margins).

However, the headline had to be directly factual and explanatory– and it is: ‘Woman Dies After Radio Show Comp To Win Wii’.

Running your suggested headline in a specialised news site such as SPOnG would simply have been absurd – maybe in ‘Water Weekly’ or ‘H20 Lover’, but not here.

We followed the factual headline with a strap-line, “Californian lady expires due to water intoxication” – this strap continued to de-sensationalise the event; and the same can be said for the story.

The kind of stories we object to – and won’t run – are of the: ‘Woman Eaten By Escaped Lion While DS Played In House 100m Away Shocker’ or “Man Blames PS2 For Death Of Daughter – ‘She never had a chance, the driver admitted he had been looking at an advert for a cheap PS2 in the newspaper on the passenger seat while driving at 80mph in a school zone!” kind.

Neither story relates to either a DS or a PS2 but to an escaped lion and a speeding driver.

Our story relates to a competition to win a Wii; and how something as tragic as this occurred because this lady wanted this games console.

majin dboy 15 Jan 2007 14:01
yeah,ur rite.the headline was purely factual and no were close t....women killed by wii.

lol,remember thise ridiculous GBA SP charger related ones?
OptimusP 15 Jan 2007 14:18
how can you die from drinking too much water? It's water...it goes in and comes back out as a part of urine or sweat...
TimSpong 15 Jan 2007 14:30
OptimusP wrote:
how can you die from drinking too much water? It's water...it goes in and comes back out as a part of urine or sweat...


"Drinking too much water can lead to a condition known as water intoxication and to a related problem resulting from the dilution of sodium in the body, hyponatremia."
RIPRAW 15 Jan 2007 15:58
The competition runners clearly never took E. When you are on it, you can't piss and if you drink alot more than you perspire; your brain will swell up. I think most reported deaths on the drug are from people actually drinking too much rather than too little.

But if I was in that competition I would have pissed myself a long time before anything bad happening. I guess she had too much pride to do that.

Pride is one of the deadly sins
OptimusP 15 Jan 2007 19:49
water intoxication...jowzers...

Really sad for the three kids she's leaving behind too...
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