Send SPOnG Your Miis

Send us your tired, your cool, your huddled Miis yearning to breathe free...

Posted by Staff
We know that if you’ve got a Wii then you’ve got a Mii. So, have we, and it’s our intention to build the busiest Mii Plaza out there. In order to do this, we’re going to need you, your mate, your mum and dad – everybody you know – to send your Miis to our Wii.

And we won’t stop there. If you’ve created Miis of your favourite (or least favourite) rock stars, sports stars, pop stars, game characters, teachers, politicians, historical figures - even the bloke down at the newsagent who always has 2000 AD in on time – then we want them.

So, get your Wii online now and send your creations to SPOnG’s Wii Address: 3118 1674 7686 6633.

Please email your Wii numbers to:

We’ll be taking snap votes and posting our favourite Miis (quite possibly on an hourly basis, if you’re having the kind of fun that we did!) as the days roll by.

If, of course, you’re having any issues getting online, we’d like to hear about them in the Forum below.


mrAnthony 8 Dec 2006 13:02
im trying to send you a Mii that my gf made. but i dont know how to send you a message. i registered your number. but when i go to send you a message, you arent highlighted :-(

help me gamesmaster!!
TimSpong 8 Dec 2006 13:34
Please remember to email us your Wii number to:


more comments below our sponsor's message
TimSpong 8 Dec 2006 13:34
mrAnthony wrote:
im trying to send you a Mii that my gf made. but i dont know how to send you a message. i registered your number. but when i go to send you a message, you arent highlighted :-(

help me gamesmaster!!

Hiya, please email us your Wii number:
RiseFromYourGrave 8 Dec 2006 16:40
you should organise some official Spong Wii tournaments when the online function is activated, and there are some decent games out that use it
tyrion 8 Dec 2006 18:13
RiseFromYourGrave wrote:
you should organise some official Spong Wii tournaments when the online function is activated, and there are some decent games out that use it

We've been having a few internal matches. So far Wii Sports Bowling and Golf are the preferred areas of combat.
mrAnthony 8 Dec 2006 20:50
im rubbish at wii bowling.

still cant send any Mii's :-( i feel like spong doesnt want me.
Rustman 8 Dec 2006 21:57
I'm trying to send my contempt and jealousy, but it won't go through either.

Bloody Currys.
majin dboy 9 Dec 2006 01:16
feel bad for ya rusty,me and billson got ours today.great send me(wiimii)2mro spong.
RiseFromYourGrave 9 Dec 2006 01:29
it would be cool to have an official SPOnG tourney on something or somethings, a few months down the line. hopefully ill have one by then and i can join in.

prime early 2007 candidates are looking like Far Cry Vengeance and No More Heroes
DoctorDee 9 Dec 2006 07:52
mrAnthony wrote:
im rubbish at wii bowling.

still cant send any Mii's :-( i feel like spong doesnt want me.

Oh, we do!

But about two minutes after we posted that, our mail server went on the fritz. We'll be back as soon as we can.

mrAnthony 9 Dec 2006 09:09
yeah right.

its always "im washing my hair" or "our mail is on the fritz"

women eh.
mrAnthony 11 Dec 2006 12:00
im confused. i sent you my wii code last week, and now, just now, i got a message saying that my message didnt get thorugh to you, but not from hotmail, from somethign else. weird...
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