Creepy, Dead, Be-Afro'ed Painter Hippy Game Still in Development

Latest news on the Wii's bizarrest game to date

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Creepy, Dead, Be-Afro'ed Painter Hippy Game Still in Development
SPOnG informed you back in April of this year that the creepy, dead, be-afro'ed painter hippy, Bob Ross, was to star in his own painting game for the Nintendo Wii.

Rumours have been floating about the internet for the past few days about the Bob Ross game being cancelled.

SPOnG can report that it is still happening. Yes, that’s right! You can finally sleep peacefully folks, the Bob Ross painting game on Wii is ON.

It seems that even though the deal fell through with the game’s previous developer, AGFRAG Entertainment Group, Bob Ross Inc. is still keen to make the game, with the company's media director Jane Kowalski telling MTV:

“By hook or by crook there will be a game. There's no way we couldn't do a game because everybody wants one badly.”

Speaking of AGFRAG Entertainment, Kowalski added:

“I think they were sort of overwhelmed and they don't have the resources and the energy to tend to the huge demand that is needed. We are currently working on digging up the development team that has the swift enthusiasm to carry through.”

Could this be code for, “We never offered them enough money to do it" or simply the fact that the team saw the brief and decided to do something else entirely?

But hey. What the hell? The Bob Ross creepy, dead, be-afro'ed painter hippy game is still on, and that’s the main thing.

No publisher has, as yet been announced for the game. Nor a developer for that matter. SPOnG will bring you further news on one of the Wii’s most bizarre games to date as we get it.


fluffstardx 7 Dec 2006 12:11

...I want this game.
SPInGSPOnG 7 Dec 2006 12:36
When she says:
"There's no way we couldn't do a game because everybody wants one badly."

She seems to be overlooking a fact that completely disproves her claim - I don't want one.

I'm perfectly happy watching re-runs of his "warm and patient style" on TV.

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Zazigglebub 7 Dec 2006 13:53
can you still be a hippy or a painter when your dead. surly your just, er, dead.

you can be creepy and have an afro tho - obviously.
hollywooda 7 Dec 2006 16:19
i remember watching this guy, he always sounded like he'd just done a s**t load of acid & was wasted!
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