Wii Launch Japan - Vox Pop: The Students

Not everyone who got a Wii actually paid for it. SPOnG spoke with a group of five students from Osaka, and found that one of them was just lucky.

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We spoke with Hide, furthest on the right of this picture.
We spoke with Hide, furthest on the right of this picture.
Continuing SPOnG's coverage of the Wii launch in Japan we got the opinions of these friendly students. Of course Zelda came up, but Goichi Suda also made a surprise appearance in their Wii appraisal.

SPOnG: What made you get a Wii?

Hide: Nothing, I won a voucher for it in a company lotto game! I only work their part-time, but they gave me this great prize.

SPOnG: Jammy. Did you get any games?

Hide: No, the prize was just the console. I’ve left it at that for today. I’m really looking forward to the new games by Goichi Suda, though. He did Killer 7. Do you know him?

SPOnG: Of course! That’s an interesting call. So, what have the rest of you got?

Yuji: I bought Zelda and Wii Sports. But it’s really Zelda that I’m most excited about. It’s a new Zelda

SPOnG: We see what you mean.

Keigo: I’ve got Zelda, as well. We’re going to play through it at the same time as each other so that we can discuss it properly. I think we’re all going back now to try Wii Sports, though, so Zelda will have to wait a while!

We also had a chat with some kids from Nintendo’s hometown, Kyoto Read the transcript right here.


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