Wii - Full Browsing, Confirmed

The fat lady has sung...

Posted by Staff
Wii - Full Browsing, Confirmed
The Wii may be making a few errors of late, but recent developments confirm that the new Nintendo home console will be the best thing ever. Well, since the Dreamcast at least, as news emerges that the machine will boast full browsing capabilities, meaning you can check your email and download copious amounts of pornography without having to scurry off to your PC.

In a recent interview, Opera executive VP Scott Hedrick commented, "Opera plans to use [the WiiMote] to its full advantage and it will provide an intuitive way to surf the Web. Imagine the possibilities in terms of surfing with a motion sensitive remote control. I cannot specifically comment on the lack of keyboard, but many devices running Opera don't have keyboards ... and feature on-screen keyboards to solve this problem."

And this is the point of the story where we have to say something interesting to cap it off. We hope that the Wii hosting the best browser on the market today - from the comfort of your couch - should cover this. We'll bring you more as it breaks.


actionmonkey 26 May 2006 14:12
Combine that with voice recognition and a mike and you'll have a whole new way of surfing the web.
config 27 May 2006 09:05
actionmonkey wrote:
Combine that with voice recognition and a mike and you'll have a whole new way of surfing the web.

Given that PCs have had mikes and voice rec for years, I cannot see how this is going to make any great strides in web navigation. With accessibility a hot issue, voice control is spec'd out at W3, and is already available in Opera. However, it's limited to voice commands (back, forward, reload) and hard-coded commands created by the site developer, but it doesn't handle natural speech, so you can't speak web addresses or form field entry; surely the things that really would benefit from voice rec. I don't see voice rec doing anything amazing with Wii. After all, mobile phones have had voice rec for some time now, yet we're still to see voice number or text message entry - both the key to smaller handsets. Why haven't we seen this yet? Because natural voice recognition it very complex, requiring significant processing power and training from each person that wants to use it.

I think that all we'll see from Wii willbe gesture-based browsing, which is already available in Opera and Firefox (many times better than Opera, IMO) via several extensions.

As for address entry? How about spelling out each letter with the WiiMote - just like writing your name with a sparkler on Bonfire Night!
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