Are You Ready?

Only a few days left to register for Nokia's multimedia adventure.

Posted by Staff
Thousands of players have signed up to take part in Nokia Game - the unique multimedia game - but for those who haven't... time is running out. Eager gamers should sign up to play by November 3rd at

Following the success of last year's adventure, Nokia Game returns to Europe and challenges players from around the continent to solve a totally new mystery.

Game On
Die hard followers of Nokia Game will join with an anticipated surge of new players to take on the identity of the main Game character as they're asked to complete various challenges and solve puzzles based on clues planted in a variety of media around them. A series of SMS messages, TV ads, websites, radio announcements, newspaper and magazine ads, e-mail, and mobile phone calls will guide players through the game, providing them with the information, clues and tasks they need complete their mission.

Points mean Prizes
New to the Game this year, Nokia are enhancing the play experience by awarding points to players who successfully negotiate websites, online games and answer questions correctly. The more points a player collects, the longer they can stay in the Game. Players will fail to achieve maximum points by performing badly in games, misjudging critical situations, missing easy deadlines or by giving the wrong answers. Players with the highest final scores will be able to compete in the grand final of the Game. Throughout the competition, gamers can monitor their progress by checking out their scores on their own personalised Game website page.

Open to Everyone
Anyone owning a mobile phone with SMS functionality - regardless of brand - and with access to the Internet can register for Nokia Game. There is no participation fee and it will challenge to the limit each players' endurance, wit, intelligence and dexterity. Players will be competing to be one of the first 50 people in their country to get their hands on the latest in Nokia's handset technology.

"Last year, half a million people played Nokia Game across Europe. This year we're hope to connect more people in even more countries so that everyone can join in the challenging and thrilling experiences during the intense three-week play period. Reflecting the growing importance of entertainment in mobile services, players will also be able to chat to each other over the Nokia Game website, providing a unique gaming experience for all!", said Charlotte Fionda, Marketing Manager, Nokia Mobile Phones UK.

To register players should visit between October 4th and November 3rd. Nokia Game kicks off on November 4th. Make your bookmark and follow all the developments as they happen!

Club Nokia Members will be able to download special Nokia Game logos, ring tones, and picture messages with Nokia from