We presume everyone's heard about Microsoft's 180 degree turn around when it comes to Xbox One and its craaazy DRM nonsense - and its offing of the man behind those failed Xbox One strategies, Don Mattrick? Surely Microsoft has (or at least should have) clawed back its hardcore gamer fanbase with those moves? Well, Edge disagrees.According to the cover of the latest Edge Magazine, "This is Your Next Console" (written over the top of a slanted PS4 image). The cover also promises to explain "How Microsoft Blew it" and "Why The Only Option Right Now is PS4"
Now, correct us if we're wrong, but don't Edge usually love everything Microsoft? So why the change of heart?
Well, from the looks of things, Edge isn't doing so well at the minute. Richard Keith, the publisher of Xbox 360: The Official Magazine, PC Gamer and Edge is leaving Future (the parent company). The news follows a drop in revenue for Future as revealed in its last financial statement.
Now, this naturally begs the question; is the whole PS4 being 'Your Only Console' just a publicity stunt? You tell us...