E3 2013: Braid Creator Calls Microsoft on Misogyny.

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E3 2013: Braid Creator Calls Microsoft on Misogyny.
Braid creator Jonathan Blow took exception at today's Microsoft press conference during a portion of the event where a female game player was brought on stage for a scripted "fight" against a producer on Rare's Killer Instinct.

Regarding the event, already controversy friend Mr Blow tweeted ironically: "Let's bring a woman on stage and joke about how she's bad at games, and say stuff like 'relax, just let it happen, it'll be over soon'"??" Check the footage below and see what you reckon.

Source: Mr Blow


ergo 10 Jun 2013 22:51
Hey Blow: go f**k yourself and your humorless, PC, world view.

Sane People
fuckyouthat'smyname 11 Jun 2013 05:10

go kill yourself.

How's that for funny?

WHOOP INB4 "that's not funny why so mean what a hypocrite" lol it's funny to me so it's okay tho

if you think rape is funny that ain't about being PC, its about you being a nasty f**k who needs to go kill yourself.

Grab them pills, swig swig, and the razor, make us laugh honey
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fuckyouthat'smyname 11 Jun 2013 05:16
"it'll all be over soon"

when I cut off yer dick



male gamers ruin it for everyone tho f**king libertarian basement babies groosooss your moms are prolly like "s**t why didn't I just get the abortion" lol poor things
anonymous 11 Jun 2013 13:56
I like jon blow but the fact is no one would have ever noticed if they treated a guy the exact same way.
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