Story Fails: J Allard May or May Not Be at Microsoft

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Story Fails: J Allard May or May Not Be at Microsoft
When a story contains the immortal phrase, "One of my sources who has been a pretty reliable tipster in the past told me.." you've got to smile. This one comes from Zdnet's Mary-Jo Foley and regards Xbox original, J Allard.

Mary-Jo's occasionally reliable mole tells her, "that Allard is on sabbatical and is unlikely to return to Microsoft."

She follows this up with, "One insider I know, who acknowledged he had no direct knowledge as to Allard’s current whereabouts or plans, came back with this: "“Allard was a key guy on Xbox and organizationally he was set up to drive innovations like Courier. He was one of the few there that really was willing to think outside the box and has people working on top secret projects off the main campus….He was regarded as being a bit (Apple CEO Steve) Jobs like in that he understood the importance of design, not just function. Hence if he departs Microsoft would lose an important design advocate and innovator.”

There you go then... he might or might not be at Microsoft.

Source: Zdnet


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