XNA 4.0 to Make Windows Phone 7 Game Development Easier

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XNA 4.0 to Make Windows Phone 7 Game Development Easier
Microsoft has pulled back the veil a little further on just how Xbox integration with Windows Phone 7 will work.

Over at XNA.com Microsoft tells us, "This week at GDC, we’re unveiling XNA Game Studio 4.0! This latest version provides a powerful, productive, and portable technology for game development on Windows Phone 7 Series, Xbox 360, and Windows PC.

"New to XNA Game Studio 4.0:

* Hardware accelerated 3D API’s on Windows Phone 7 Series
* Visual Studio 2010 integration with our toolset
* Added buffered audio support to the Audio API’s
* And much, much more!"

XNA, if it's just a meaningless acronym to you, is Microsoft's suite of tools aimed at making game development easier for indie developers.

Via ubergizmo.


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