Analyst: Xbox Live Price Rise Definite

Posted by Staff
"So, Mike, price of peas next week?", "That's £200 a gram Geff, jus' sayin'."
"So, Mike, price of peas next week?", "That's £200 a gram Geff, jus' sayin'."
Analyst Mr Michael Pachter has provided some insight on why analysts get paid so much to inform and direct their clients' spending.

Speaking to IG regarding his statement about the doubling of Xbox Live pricing, which Microsoft has denied, Pachter says:

"I threw out $100 as a stalking horse, and don’t actually know where prices are going, but know that they are going up."

So, prices are going up. And here's how, according to the word of Mr P', "I expect that (Microsoft will) raise the price by $10 or so for the “gold” membership, and strip out a few features from gold and add them to “platinum” for $100 or so. Gold members will decide whether to upgrade or drop out..."

Please make your in-depth game analysis in the Forum in the same manner. But bear in mind that Mr Pachter did indeed nail the price of Natal, apparently.



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