Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - PlayStation

Also known as: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

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Also for: PC, Power Mac, GBA, Game Boy Color
Viewed: 3D Third-person, floating camera Genre:
Arcade origin:No
Developer: Argonaut Soft. Co.: Electronic Arts
Publishers: Electronic Arts (GB)
Released: 16 Nov 2001 (GB)
Unknown (DE)
Ratings: 3+
Features: Vibration Compatible
Accessories: Analogue JoyPad, Memory Card


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With all the publicity surrounding the boy Potter, it was only a matter of time until, amongst the keyrings and stuffed Hedwigs, the tie-in game appeared. Published by EA, Harry Potter: The Philosopher’s Stone has made it onto the PlayStation.

First of all, and perhaps most importantly, The Philosopher’s Stone remains as faithful to the JK Rowling books as is possible, at least in terms of design and theme. The environments are vast, original and imaginative, an ideal backdrop to some of the truly magical events that will reveal themselves in this epic adventure.

At the very beginning, The Philosopher’s Stone will take its players through what can only be described as a training level. Here, you will have the chance to familiarise yourself with the lead characters and become accustomed to the game’s simple controls. You will learn how to run, jump and climb, as well as mastering your wand technique. Soon after you begin the game proper, you will realise just how useful this compulsory training mode actually is. Before long you will find yourself battling with magic against a plethora of strange-looking, hostile creatures. But there are plenty of puzzles to solve here, some of which are deceptively simple, while others are fiendishly difficult. But it’s all part of the Harry Potter experience, isn’t it?

The control method is intuitive, and employs a style similar to Zelda 64 and Tomb Raider, whereby certain frequently used actions become automatic, such as climbing walls and jumping platforms.

The game is sure to appeal to those sucked in by the Potter experience. It offers a challenge to suit all ages, and will surely ride the wave of hyperbole it came in on.