Boulder Dash - Colecovision

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Also for: Game Boy, ST, NES, C64, Spectrum 48K, BBC/Electron, Amstrad CPC, Apple II, Atari 400/800/XL/XE
Viewed: 2D Side-on, Flick screen Genre:
Puzzle: Maze
Arcade origin:No
Soft. Co.: First Star Software
Publishers: Micro Fun (US)
Telegames (GB/JP)
Released: 1984 (US)
Unknown (GB/JP)
Contributors:matthew tingle


On Boulder Dash you jollily run around a set maze of floating land and boulders, as you run the land in front vanishes creating a path. Which is all well and good until you walk below a boulder, If you pass below a boulder it falls as in real life, this adds the puzzle element; the path taken has to be carefully though-out cos' if you die once and lose one of your five lives, its back to the beginning for you.

Although avoiding the boulders is not an option due to the games goal is to collect little multi colored tokens to open the door to the next level. Quite often to quire one of these tokens you will have to carefully plan out a route of entry and escape while taring away from falling boulders, on collecting the token you will receive ten points. Points will also be added for the speed the level is carried out; thats ten extra points per second left.