Founded in 1985, ATi Technologies Inc. is a world leader in the design and manufacture of innovative visual processor solutions. A pioneer, an innovator and a market leader in the graphics industry, ATi provides cutting-edge visual processor technologies for the PC, Macintosh, workstation and notebook markets plus consumer markets including cell phones, hand-held devices, set-top boxes and digital TVs.
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20 Jun 2005
ALL-IN-WONDER X600 PRO planned for availability first in Europe.
21 Sep 2004
THEATER 550 PRO delivers unmatched video quality on the PC.
14 Sep 2004
Newest video card offers award-winning powerful video and graphics plus innovative multimedia technology.
09 Sep 2004
Combination of award-winning graphics and multimedia technology enables creation of compelling media center solutions.
13 Jul 2004
DISCover's Drop & Play Technology Advances the Home Entertainment Gaming Experience at E3 in South Hall, Booth 600.
10 May 2004