DS Gets 4GB Hard Disk – For as much as a PSP

Or an iPod Nano, or iPod Video, etc...

Posted by Staff
Datel, makers of things for consoles such as cheat cards and other wondrous peripherals sadly ignored by everyone else, has announced that it will soon be releasing a 4GB hard drive for Nintendo's DS portable, offering massive multimedia capabilities to its ballooning userbase.

The device is based (we assume) around the HD Datel launched for the PSP and comes with software enabling DS users to store and play music, image and movie files, though of course, publishers and Nintendo will view the storage unit with suspicion.

Security issues have blighted every Nintendo handheld to date, with Flash cards and writers available within weeks of machines hitting the market. Home piracy is compounded by Chinese operations centred in Honk Kong offering copied games, or game cards featuring up to 50 full titles, available at a fraction of the price of official software demands.

Datel did not make reference to any homebrew capabilities it's DS hard disc might contain.

However, those looking for a device for homebrew or anything else for that matter will have to dig deep to trick out their DS. Datel is reportedly going to ask a whopping $225 in the US for the unit, likely forcing it well out of the reach of most. Especially when you consider that at this price, American gamers could equip themselves with various iPod options, or even a PSP for pocket change difference.



looniac 14 Feb 2006 12:19
Seems to me it would be a waste to buy a 4gig HD which adds long load times to a mostly load free machine for $225 when you can get a 4gig Flash Card for $199. Just sounds silly to me, especially since for instance a G6 flashcard gives you Homebrew as well as mp3 and video optoins. Must admit the interface looks kinda slick though.
YenRug 14 Feb 2006 14:33
However, those looking for a device for homebrew or anything else for that matter will have to dig deep to trick out their DS.



You can even use the browser to activate executable programs!

And the UK price is GB£129, which includes VAT, so:

GB£129 - VAT@17.5% = GB£109.79

GB£109.79 @ Current Exchange Rate = US$189.95

So you're probably looking more at the US$190-200 range.
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Joji 14 Feb 2006 16:20
This is a nice addition to the DS. At that price I'd rather get a dedicated HD player but if it can run other stuff then it'd be a worthy investment.

Who needs an iPod when my DS can hold my games, music and anime too.

Perhaps they should do some other sizes too.
majin dboy 14 Feb 2006 17:56
the ds is just getting better and better
I'll Eat Your Soul 14 Feb 2006 20:19
Not likely, Datel seem to have gotten a bulk order on those titchy 4Gb capacity drives... they're the same across the DS, PSP and Xbox 360 HD units they've announced as far as I can tell.
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