Work For SPOnG Full-Time - For Actual Money!

Shock as games site offers paying job.

Posted by Staff
Work For SPOnG Full-Time - For Actual Money!
Here at SPOnG, we coined a phrase some five and a half years ago. This phrase was Rocket Monkey. The concept underpinning Rocket Monkey is this: some tasks require an individual who is smart enough to do a few important things... so they can't be a monkey. On the other hand, they don't require a rocket scientist. In this case, what's needed is a rocket monkey.

And today, loyal readers, SPOnG needs a Rocket Monkey. If your level of intelligence lands you somewhere between rocket scientist and simian tick-picker, we have a job for you. And we’ll pay you actual Earth currency for your toils too!

The good bits:

This will be a full-time role. You’ll be waking up in the morning and travelling to our offices. You will then sit down and write about games all day. You will also collate images, assets, artwork and suchlike from videogames through the ages which will be used to build the Internet Computer and Videogames Museum that is SPOnG.

You’ll have a focus on retro gaming and all things import. SPOnG has a pretty much complete catalogue of every single game released into the UK over the past five years on all formats. Have a look for yourself. You’ll be charged with working back through time, filling in Neo Geo, PC Engine, Sega Master System, Commodore Vic 20 titles, generating write-ups, grabbing screenshots, scanning packaging and artwork.

You become part of SPOnG's world-renowned editorial team and we’ll give you a desk with a chair (possibly made from cow skin) and a computer and a load of old videogame equipment to tinker around with.

You’ll get to see and play the latest games and systems before they launch, making you a king amongst the circle of Internet friends you have. There is also scope to become king of the contributors, handling reader contributions and submissions. But only if you’re up to the task.

You work in an office which has four girls in it, guaranteeing you daily interaction with the fairer sex. This in turn will make you a more rounded (and possibly cleaner) individual than you are today, leading to a life of married bliss and dog-walking within a matter of years!

We’re offering you the chance to start a career in the games industry, build a business unit and make something of yourself. As your mum says, her house isn’t a hotel and you do need to move out eventually.

You’ll be higher in the foodchain than Chris, the bloke who fixes our computers.

The bad bits:

We’re not going to pay you very much. As mentioned, the job is full-time, so if you take minimum wage, then add a bit to it, that’s what you’ll be getting. Of course, all employees will undergo regular appraisals and salary reviews, at which we’ll find convoluted reasons why we’re not going to give you more money. You can dream of course. And in truth, we have been know to increase salaries dependant on business. It’s what you make of it.

The role is based in SPOnG’s head office in Wakefield. Wakefield isn’t as bad as it sounds. It has some lovely buildings - there's even a cathedral, and on occasion, the police beat passers by for no obvious reason. It has a smattering of trendy bars in which you can get into fights, and a vibrant student population providing the chance to meet a girl who failed to get into a proper university but might be well off enough to run her own car.

You’ll be subjected to some of the most tedious office banter ever, often involving six year-old arguments about the true meaning of irony, or whether one thing is better than another extremely similar thing. It’s awful, and you’ll find your contributions unwelcome. Earphones are advised.

And that’s about it really. If you can write, work in a structured manner, are punctual and dedicated, please get in touch. We urgently need help in all these departments.

If you’d like to apply for the job, send us an email with CV, covering letter and something that proves you’re human too.


Showing the 20 most recent comments. Read all 35.
DoctorDee 3 Nov 2005 11:35
mrFloppy wrote:
on that note - if anyone sees a Burbury clad, £500 Mitsubishi projector drinking stella and hanging out with a slimline silver PS2 on the streets of Huddersfield, let me know.

They'll be down Crack Convertors now mate.

The scrotes will have knocked up a quick purchase receipt on the computer they stole from you earlier, and a printer they whipped from Dixons, and they'll have smoked your projector by now.

DoctorDee 3 Nov 2005 11:35
mrFloppy wrote:
on that note - if anyone sees a Burbury clad, £500 Mitsubishi projector drinking stella and hanging out with a slimline silver PS2 on the streets of Huddersfield, let me know.

They'll be down Crack Convertors now mate.

The scrotes will have knocked up a quick purchase receipt on the computer they stole from you earlier, and a printer they whipped from Dixons, and they'll have smoked your projector by now.

more comments below our sponsor's message
kid_77 3 Nov 2005 12:01
I feel bad that my promise to fill the Megadrive screens hasn't even moved onto the 'Bs' yet


and after all the hard work Config put in to set me up

majin dboy 3 Nov 2005 13:06
belfast has the worst chav's/steeks/spides/slags. was walking past castlecourt shopping centre the other day and was offered a blowjob by a 14 y/o.also with area's like the strand,tuckmona and tiger's bay ther is a good mix.bucksfast is ther choice beverage.

and no, i kindly rejected the young girls offer.
DoctorDee 3 Nov 2005 13:53
majin dboy wrote:
and no, i kindly rejected the young girls offer.

Was it an offer, or an entreaty to trade?
TigerUppercut 3 Nov 2005 13:56
kid_77 wrote:
I feel bad that my promise to fill the Megadrive screens hasn't even moved onto the 'Bs' yet


Get back on the horse then.
You have Magical Flying Hat Turbo Adventure (Majikaru Hatto no Buttobi Taabou! Daibouken!) btw?
LUPOS 3 Nov 2005 14:20
As mentioned, the job is full-time, so if you take minimum wage, then add a bit to it, that’s what you’ll be getting

this made me curious so... current minimum wage in the u.k. 5.05 pounds which converts to about $9... current minimum in the USofA... 5.15... i think... sucks to be us.

DoctorDee 3 Nov 2005 15:04
LUPOS wrote:
i think... sucks to be us.

We are actuallky offering more than minimum wage.

Stef's just being facetious. Which is, btw, the shortest English word to contain all five vowels in alphabetical order. I think.
LUPOS 3 Nov 2005 15:14
that is one incredibly absurd factoid.
thank you.
majin dboy 3 Nov 2005 15:14
''and no, i kindly rejected the young girls offer.

Was it an offer, or an entreaty to trade?''

i believe it was more of an inventation to treat.
kid_77 3 Nov 2005 16:32
TigerUppercut wrote:
Get back on the horse then.

Ok Ok. Being very busy of late is my excuse, but I should get some time soon... maybe.
TigerUppercut wrote:
You have Magical Flying Hat Turbo Adventure (Majikaru Hatto no Buttobi Taabou! Daibouken!) btw?

Oh yes. One of my fave MD platformers, with absolutely brilliant music... and who'd've thunk an egg would make such a handy side-kick?
LUPOS 3 Nov 2005 16:53
kid_77 wrote:
and who'd've thunk an egg would make such a handy side-kick?

a sperm?

DoctorDee 4 Nov 2005 11:31
LUPOS wrote:
kid_77 wrote:
and who'd've thunk an egg would make such a handy side-kick?

a sperm?

Did you ever see the relative size of a spermatazoon and an ovum?

There's only one possible side-kick in that couple.

LUPOS 4 Nov 2005 12:31
DoctorDee wrote:
There's only one possible side-kick in that couple.

historically intelligence and activity woudl be more associated with leader ship than size... take laurel and hardy vs. abbot and costello... doesnt matter which one is fatter it matters wich one is more suited for leader ship... and seeing as the ovum does nothing but sit in one place and ocasionaly accidentaly embeded it self in the unterine lining i would tend to assume the the sperm would be the more leader-esque of the two. (and no this is not some subversive way of claiming men are more inteligent than women)
TigerUppercut 4 Nov 2005 12:59
kid_77 wrote:
Oh yes. One of my fave MD platformers, with absolutely brilliant music... and who'd've thunk an egg would make such a handy side-kick?

Email me about that would you old chap?
stefan at this site dot com
TigerUppercut 4 Nov 2005 13:00
LUPOS wrote:
DoctorDee wrote:
There's only one possible side-kick in that couple.

historically intelligence and activity woudl be more associated with leader ship than size... take laurel and hardy vs. abbot and costello... doesnt matter which one is fatter it matters wich one is more suited for leader ship... and seeing as the ovum does nothing but sit in one place and ocasionaly accidentaly embeded it self in the unterine lining i would tend to assume the the sperm would be the more leader-esque of the two. (and no this is not some subversive way of claiming men are more inteligent than women)

It's like he has a secret cam on the office!!!111one!1!

LUPOS 4 Nov 2005 13:18
TigerUppercut wrote:
It's like he has a secret cam on the office!!!111one!1!

what a silly thing to say... btw.. are those new shoes....

DoctorDee 4 Nov 2005 15:35
LUPOS wrote:
i would tend to assume the the sperm would be the more leader-esque of the two.

The egg sits where it is and the Sperm swims miles (in scale) to get to it. Not particularly a leadership trait.

You can mix the gametes in as many spermatazoa as you like, you'll always get men.

The decision making takes place in the ova. Again the women have the control.

LUPOS 4 Nov 2005 15:45
DoctorDee wrote:
You can mix the gametes in as many spermatazoa as you like, you'll always get men.

The decision making takes place in the ova. Again the women have the control.

perhaps its been a few to many years since helth class but i was under the impression that the ova contains an x cromosom and the sperm can carry either an x or a y leading to the xx (woman) xy (man) sexual determination.

this is actually determinable buy microscop as the y sperm tend to been longer thinner and faster but die quicker where as the x sperm are larger and slower but live longer, hence the theory that the parents can have some sort of statisical control over the sex of the off spring by copulating at different points int he womans cycle... I.E. closer to the period (within 1-2 days) doesnt leave enough time for the x sperm to reach the ovum so chances of a male offspring are increased.
DoctorDee 4 Nov 2005 15:47
LUPOS wrote:
perhaps its been a few to many years since helth class but i was under the impression that the ova contains an x cromosom and the sperm can carry either an x or a y leading to the xx (woman) xy (man) sexual determination.

No, you're right, I'm an idiot.

Once women start breeding without men, they will never have male offspring.

Problem solved.

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