Tomorrow BAFTA will be heading up to the wilds of the North - to Derby's QUAD Arts Centre actually - to host a panel on getting you into the games industry.The panel will deal with emerging opportunities for getting into the industry, and where new technology and platforms are driving it. Panellists include Strawdog Studios' Technical Director, Simon Morris, former
MotorStorm Art Manager and current University of Derby Programme Leader, Dave Wilson and SPOnG's very own Senior Writer, Mark Johnson.
The official word on the event looks like this: "Would you like to work in video games, find out how they're made and where they're headed next? Developers, researchers and writers reveal the wide range of opportunities available in the UK's world-beating industry, plus how new technologies are revolutionising console gaming and making it easier than ever to create independent hits on platforms like the iPhone and Xbox Live Arcade."
More details can be found
over on the BAFTA website.