Global Positioning Game System

Look! Look what this man did to his DS!

Posted by Staff
Global Positioning Game System
Good gracious! Here’s a clever chap – he’s made his Nintendo DS into a Global Positioning System, complete with maps!

The ‘Pass Me’ chip is a device normally used for running homebrew applications on the DS (it plugs in to the DS card slot). Using this, he’s connected it in turn to a Lassen iQ GPS module. Then, he’s downloaded maps from Google Maps onto a GBA flash cartridge. Apparently there’s a formula you can use to convert your GPS position into a point on the Google map. We can’t believe we never thought of it ourselves!

He also says that in theory, if you cracked the DS WiFi (still something of a Holy Grail in DS modification land) you’d be able to download the maps directly rather than using the Compact Flash cartridge.

What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done with your DS? We tried to put an original Game Boy cartridge in ours once, but it felt like it might break it, so we got scared and stopped.


Joji 10 Aug 2005 00:03
The genius of some people out there is something we should take into acount. Nice to see someone thinking up something like this when many would have never thought of it.
LUPOS 10 Aug 2005 21:49

soon some one wil make an emulator and I'll be able to play all those cool gps enable gizmondo games on my DS!!! The future truley is now.

andal 17 Aug 2005 00:36
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