New N-Gage Colours – Is This the Re-design?

Let’s hope not...

Posted by Staff
It would seem that Nokia has not been listening to the feedback regarding its N-Gage QD at all.

In the face of Atari Jaguar-esque consumer apathy and an embarrassing delisting from the UK charts, which prompted ChartTrack to comment, “The N-Gage chart, though still produced, is of little interest to anyone. Sales of the machine and its software have failed to make any impact on the market at all. We still keep sales charted and are available on monthly, quarterly and annual reports, though we have dropped the platform from the ELSPA chart following a lack of interest,” new hardware colours have been announced.

Also confirmed was a slight re-work of the machine’s look and feel, bringing in the third iteration of the device many view as being outdated from launch.

"We’re looking at new colours, a new look and feel for the QD in the next few months," confirmed US N-Gage chief Gerard Wiener at the GDC. "I think the breadth and scope of our retail offer was not what it needed to be to gain traction, especially in the United States. The timing is right for us to be pushing a little harder on the operator channel."

Possibly planned for an E3 debut, we’ll let you know as soon as we get the first images of the next N-Gage. Stay tuned.


acidviper 11 Mar 2005 12:11
How is this pile of crap not dead yet. Nobody cares about having a phone that costs $80 to play games on it. You failed Nokia. You make great phones, but you suck at making gaming phones. Leave that to the PSP.
jhorto1 11 Mar 2005 12:33
I love my new N-Gage QD. Since my job won't let me bring in a phone with a camera, I had to go shopping.
I picked up the QD and the new game "Pathway to Glory". I haven't had this much fun with a strategy game since "Advance Wars" for the GBA. The Diablo style game "Requiem of Hell" is great too.
All said, if you are looking for a handheld gaming platform get a GBA SP or a PSP since most of the other QD games aren't very good.
However, if you are looking for a good phone that plays games too - DEFINITELY pick up the N-Gage QD.
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funkyflea 11 Mar 2005 15:40
acidviper wrote:
Nokia. You make great phones, but you suck at making gaming phones. Leave that to the PSP.

Newsflash n00b: PSP don't make gaming phones. In fact, last time I checked, the PSP was a portable gaming device.

NOT a phone manufacturer.

Now, N-Gage is more than a gaming phone, its a fantastic symbian device at a great price, and has great games coming up, all original titles and utilising the online/gsm/gprs factors of the device.

The N-Gage was the FIRST to go online anywhere in games, and play multiplayer wirelessly, and have a stab at console quality 3d mobile gaming.

Now stick that in your nintendo DS and touch it.
Haters the lot of ya, why dont ya go over to engagdet, home of the iPod fanboys and N-gage haters.
Joji 11 Mar 2005 16:51
I to think Nokia should give it a rest. Nice idea and perhaps some nice games too but not enough support to justify it's existence.

It's only the fact that they are phones that are keeping Nokia in it me thinks. A very thin thread to hang over a games industry cliff from.
Ditto 11 Mar 2005 17:09
Yeah, the N-Gage was never going to succed.

If they had the product right first time then possibly, but now there's no chance.
kid_77 12 Mar 2005 09:39
The whole problem with releasing a gaming phone was always going to be contract customers. I know only a few people who still Pay-As-You-Go... my parents, my grandparents and my tech-retard older sister... people who whould never get a game-phone anyway.

Contract phone users get a new model every 12 months, so unless Nokia come up with a new N-Gage model every 12 month cycle too, and come up with special deals with the network providers to make customers aware of it, it will be ignored.
funkyflea 12 Mar 2005 15:40
The N-Gage has only done better and better since the Launch of the QD.

The only people who say it won't succeed are the people who try and stop it.

Why beat it down? Its another option in the handheld market, and alternative.

It had a terrible launch, but it has gotten back on its feet now and things are looking great. May I direct you to to the N-Gage section, where there is a video, of a pre alpha version of an upcoming n-gage title, which is going to be amazing, graphically and in terms of gameplay.
SPInGSPOnG 14 Mar 2005 15:31
funkyflea wrote:
The N-Gage has only done better and better since the Launch of the QD.

If your definition of "Better" is fewer games being released, and each of them selling poorly, while the ELSPA/CHartTrack chart gets canned due to lack of interest. Then yes... yes it has.

The only people who say it won't succeed are the people who try and stop it.

If your definition of "only" is anyone with a brain. Then yes... yes they are.

It had a terrible launch, but it has gotten back on its feet now and things are looking great.

If your definition of "Looking great" is dying an ignominious death while everyone looks on uncaring, and disinterested. Then yes... Yes it is.

May I direct you to to the N-Gage section, where there is a video, of a pre alpha version of an upcoming n-gage title, which is going to be amazing, graphically and in terms of gameplay.

If your definition of "amazing, graphically" is something the Commodore 64 could have done without breaking a sweat. Then yes... yes you can.

Hold on a dawggone minute. Direct me to IGN? Why I oughtta!

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