The Dream Lives: Rapid Hand Movements and Videogames Combine!

Crank it in your lap. Everywhere you go.

Posted by Staff
The Dream Lives: Rapid Hand Movements and Videogames Combine!
Yes, this poor, unnecessary and wholly juvenile masturbatory reference relates to what is actually a rather boring news story, detailing a fresh way in which you can supply life-giving electricity to your portable Nintendo products.

To be made available by Japanese third-party peripheral minnow GameTech, a hand-cranked charger will breathe life into your lithium ions, should you find yourself disconnected from wider society and the mains electricity afforded its luckier, not-living-in-a-wattle-and-daub-hut citizens.

However, SPOnG would like to offer a small hint to you, our loyal, loving readers. As the man polishing his glasses found out, charging your DS or SP in this way is best performed when not under the cape, having a haircut from ‘friendly’ Julie.


pacowc3 21 Feb 2005 22:24
that would only be useful if a full charge comes at no longer than 10 minutes, otherwise, people arnt gonna crank for that long to charge a battery, novel ideal though
Nintendo King 21 Feb 2005 22:39
Sounds like a good idea as long as, like you said, it doesn't take an hour to crank up. That does sound like a good idea when in the car though (since I can't find a car adapter) or when on a hike or something.
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