SPOnG has always wanted a GD ROM burner but was never allowed one. Our conversations with Sega tended to go something like this:
SPOnG: Can we have a GD burner please?
Sega official: No, of course not, don’t be so stupid.
SPOnG: Go on, please! We really want one!
Sega official: Oh, go on then, I’ll order you one.
SPOnG: Oh wow! Really?
Sega official: No, of course not, don’t be so stupid.
We mention this now because the last time we saw a GD burner, in fact, if memory serves there were about ten of them, complete with hundreds of unwritten GD ROMS (the dream lives) was at Acclaim’s offices.
And the whole kit and indeed, caboodle is available to buy, with the erstwhile publishing power going under the hammer on the 6th and 7th next month. Ever wondered where those eBay miracles come from? Well, it’s
this kind of thing. 64DD dev station anyone.
...In your dreams!