Sony Computer Entertainment has been on something of a PR drive of late, eager to stem the rapidly flowing stream of negativity aimed towards its budding new PSP device.
Following from yesterday’s assurance from Masa Chatani, Sony’s Chief Technology Officer who stated that “SCE's plan to sell the PSP within the year is secure," today sees a fresh piece of assurance from another company exec.
Former Square staffer Izumi Kawanishi went on the record, explaining that the PSP will have anti-shock technology akin to that developed for Walkman and Discman products. He also claimed that the unit “…will see upgradeable firmware via the UMD,” enabling enhanced functionality and bug-fix options throughout its life.
However, no one at Sony is willing to answer the most important questions that hang around the PSP like a bad smell. When, how much and how long will the batteries last?
As do you, SPOnG awaits the answers to these questions with much interest.