PSP as Voice-Contolled Universal Translator?

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PSP as Voice-Contolled Universal Translator?
Talks at the Sony Playstation 2004 meeting in Tokyo have revealed some interesting possibilities for the much-talked about PSP. First up is the innovative new software – Talkman. This utilises a PSP microphone peripheral (separate to the built-in one) and lends it the ability to recognise and translate voice messages.

Once plugged in, the user will be able to chat to a multi-lingual cartoon bird character named Max. Max has the ability to translate any message into one of nine languages, pausing only to correct the user on pronunciation and sentence structure issues. There’s no denying that’s one talented little bird.

If this concept works effectively and manages to circumvent the usually hilarious mistranslations contained within so many localised games, it would be quite an impressive feat, and one that ought to help expand the potential market for the new Sony handheld. Such a precedent would also help open up the possibilities for future games that may wish to capitalise on this function.

As soon as there’s a full demonstration of Talkman’s internationally-enabled digital tongue, we shall deliver 'notre plein' verdict.


Joji 13 Jul 2004 11:15
Like the idea, would make translation periods a lot shorter hopefully. Thing is that it's needed for home consoles really since most foreign text laden games will be played at home.

Will this encourage us to import games more though, then translated them ourselves? If it's possible? Would be welcome if it does.

Or is this a stab back at the DS mic and voice recognision options?
Deviluck 13 Jul 2004 16:52
I think its a great idea, and will socially involve more people, pulling more markets into buying the PSP, with add ons like these, the PSP is starting to live up to its price.
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locopuyo 13 Jul 2004 17:21
It would be cool and all, but I really doubt they'll be able to do it. This has been attempted on PCs for a long time now, and there is something that would work near as well as they say it would. This is just one of those features that they announce to hype it up then pull it at the last second.
Pandaman 13 Jul 2004 18:07
For this to even function right, Sony would have to do to translation what Nintendo did to wireless controlers. And I'm pretty sure the language barrier is a bit of a bigger hurdle than thirty feet.
Dreadknux 14 Jul 2004 10:58
"Like the idea, would make translation periods a lot shorter hopefully. Thing is that it's needed for home consoles really since most foreign text laden games will be played at home."

You know it won't actually translate games for you, but rather be more like a language-learning add-on for the PSP? Although you are right, translation periods do need to be shorter and more efficient - look at Gamecube's Animal Crossing (although the major reason for delaying that in Europe is more to do with complete ignorance rather than any language barriers).
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