THQ to buy Eidos Rumour

Acquisition chatter from E3.

Posted by Staff
Lara keeps an eye out for Eidos
Lara keeps an eye out for Eidos
Eidos, legal guardians of Lara Croft and publishers behind this week’s number one selling game Hitman Contracts, are reportedly receiving predatory offers from fellow industry giants THQ. The Daily Mail ( estimates Eidos’ value at approximately £390m, so if this acquisition were to go ahead, it would put THQ at the forefront of the industry.

Such a move would have significant repercussions for the industry as a whole. As the biggest publishers continue to expand, perhaps best represented by Electronic Arts’ developer shopping-spree over the last year or so, competition will continue to tighten. On the downside, smaller publishers might be put under a great deal of strain: and they could struggle to market their own products in the face of such corporate might. Those publishers at the other end of the scale will also need to pay closer attention to the interests of shareholders – which will encourage the adoption of ‘safe’ formulaic clones instead of riskier innovations.

This trend, however, is not entirely bad news for the discerning gamer. Such acquisitions indicate an industry that is maturing, which will in turn encourage investment on a larger scale. Fundamentally, more money circulating in this sector could have numerous positive consequences.


Joji 14 May 2004 14:20
I remember back when THQ were putting out knob cheese like Harry's Humoungous Adventure on the SNES for sale, how far the have come. lol

More money circulating can also have negative effects. I hope I don't see the day when everyone is oned by one big bastard company like MS. Everytime this happens creativity, individuality and vision are lost somewhere.

We need small developers cause I'm sure things would definitely go down the pan without them. They are the ones changing things (Bungie were virtually nknown to most mainstream folk before Halo, as were Valve before Half Life) are taking chances on their visions. Something has to be done to help smaller developers without buying them out. Too many folk under one wing can create a big bird with very bad b.o, after that people start to leave to regain there independance and realise their ideas once more.

I think more people like Dave Perry are what's needed. I also believe that something more has to be done to help modders, codders etc enter the industry(Valve are good at this). A university degree would be nice but we all can't afford it let alone get into uni. Bedroom or living room coding should be encouraged again to help feed the industry. Until these issues are addressed we will always lag behind the japanese when it comes to games.

It's a shame Microsoft bought Bungie, otherwise more people would be able to play their work.

Down with buy outs.
DoctorDee 14 May 2004 16:38
Amen to all what Joji wrote!

But in my opinion, this THQ/Eidos thing is just one of those rumour/anomalies that crop up every E3.

Lots of people (and lets face it, many of them PRs and Journos) get together, drink a lot, take a lot of drugs and suddenly they think they are Hunter Stockton Thompson. Fear and loathing in LA.

bbam 15 May 2004 13:48
Yeah but more people code in there spare time than you would think so there is no real shortage of coders, also ms and the like could never own every one because most countries have something similar to out monopilies commision which investigate the effect that takeovers would have on the specific market.

As for the small developers and such thing i personaly dont think they would go out of business that easily but then again thats just me.

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