Star Wars Episode III Game Slated

LucasArts pencils in 2005 for sabre update.

Posted by Staff
Shot from LucasArts' Jedi Academy
Shot from LucasArts' Jedi Academy
According to LucasArts representatives, a new title in the impressively inconsistent Star Wars game series is underway, this time chronicling the happenings in Episode III

Slated for a release sometime next year, nothing in terms of actual game details have been released - though fans of the movies, long exploited with poor software, albeit interlaced with a smattering of gaming gold - will be hoping for something more than a quick buck cash-in.

Although gossip had sprung up as to the platforms the game will be housed upon, largely borne out of LucasArts' cryptic silence on the project, the firm confirmed that the game is in development for Xbox and PlayStation 2.

We'll find out more when the Star Wars Trilogy DVD Box set launches, which will include not only an Xbox demo of Star Wars: Battlefront, but also a 'Star Wars: Episode III - Making the Game' preview.


Joji 21 Apr 2004 16:01
Nice news. Another star wars game, lets hope it's better than Rebel Strike. The third person sections of that game were awful, and looked like Lucasarts didn't do their homework. Having the main character jog, and hold a blaster with two hands to shoot was a disaster.
Luke ran like a shark had bitten his ass, and he had no energy or sense of urgency, to run fast, duck, dive and evade fire. You are supposed to be in a war, not the sunday morning jog.

Battlefront and Republic Commando are what I want.

We dont need more crap Lucasarts, make sure we don't have to play anymore like Teras Karsi.
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