Nokia confirms N-Gage Security Breach – Doesn’t Seem to Really Care…

Cracked hybrid sees apathetic reaction.

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Nokia confirms N-Gage Security Breach – Doesn’t Seem to Really Care…
Days after we revealed that N-Gage had been conclusively hacked, to the point where it is now possible to play its software on other manufacturers’ handsets, Nokia has confirmed the breach.

Nokia didn't seem overly bothered about it, which seems a little strange to an industry used to Nintendo stomping around, sueing children for posting unlicensed Pokemon images.

“This is unfortunately the nature of the business. What one man develops, the other one will un-develop," the head of the company's mobile phone division, Anssi Vanjoki, told Dow Jones Newswires. "It is kind of philosophical and will be a never-ending story for Nokia and all other game companies.”

It would seem that Nokia is waking up to the reality of the games industry. It attracts some of the most unsavoury elements of humanity, seemingly intent on making as much trouble as possible for all involved.

As with any issue of this nature, we sincerely hope that Nokia finds a way of plugging the security hole that hackers have breached, enabling it to concentrate on managing the life of the N-Gage, a task tough enough in itself.

We are expecting to spend some time with Nokia’s top brass this evening in London. If they’re in talkative mood, we’ll tell all tomorrow.


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