SVC Chaos and Metal Slug 5 dated

SNK update of joy

Posted by Staff
Like the cow in Me, Myself and Irene, SNK has refused to die. Although it’s been written off more times than a 1985 Mk II Escort stock car, the fox-like cunning and seeming immortality of key franchises such as Metal Slug and King of Fighters keep it alive.

Anyway, by way of a Dorimaga announcement, SNK Playmore has revealed the dates when two of its most anticipated titles will be unleashed.

Specifically, SNK Vs Capcom: SVC Chaos will hit the PlayStation 2 in Japan on December 18th. The port of the MVS battler promises upped options and tweaked graphics and gameplay.

No news on a western release as of this point, however, we can reveal that several publishers in Europe have been in discussions with SNK Playmore over the rights to SVC and several other PS2 games from the firm.

We’ll bring you clarification and full details as soon as we legally can.

In good news for millionaire retro gamers, the Neo Geo AES home cartridge version of Metal Slug 5 is released on November 10th. Expect to pick it up for between £200 and £250.

Everything SNK, right here, as it breaks.



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