World Exclusive: N-Gage re-design underway right now!

All-new handset to replace failing launch set

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World Exclusive: N-Gage re-design underway right now!
There is intense gossip lighting up the UK games industry at present, which tells of Nokia already working on a re-design for its terribly-received N-Gage games console/phone/cheese sandwich device.

According to one outspoken retail source last night, “They’ve done focus-testing and it’s not good. For a start the screen ratio is completely wrong. Then there’s reports of people getting headaches after just ten minutes of play. It’s also thought that the design of the thing is just not attractive to its target audience – 18-30 aspirational males. When you use it, you look like you’re holding a cheese sandwich to the side of your head. Not good for meeting girls…”

Of course, this may well be sewing-circle chatter, though in fairness, there has never been a more openly mocked and probably doomed hardware platform in the industry’s history.

What about the Jaguar, you cry? We reckon it’ll be a close run thing…

We'll bring you everything N-Gage, right here, as it breaks.


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