Game Boy Advance Finnished?

Nokia to knock out Nintendo with N-Gage?

Posted by Staff
Game Boy Advance Finnished?
Finland-based cellular communications giant Nokia has revealed more plans for its intriguing games console/phone hybrid, the Nokia N-Gage, due for release later this year.

As well strong support from Sega’s mobile division, which will include a remake of the MegaDrive classic Sonic the Hedgehog, further support has been garnered from Taito and Capcom, no less.

Taito has confirmed a beefed up version of Space Invaders, whilst Capcom has promised to supply the N-Gage with “several key franchises”, though this was not fully explained.

And what’s more, Japanese dailies are reporting today that Namco is also looking into supplying the N-Gage. If the concept that kids want gadgets, not toys proves right, Nokia could find itself on a very profitable run.

The games will be provided on little cards and made available to download. Indeed, network play has been hinted at by Nokia, though no details of any of this have been disclosed. However, the good news is that there’s a press conference happening in London on Wednesday that should explain everything.

We are getting just a little excited by this. Stay tuned for updates soon.


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