Tarantino signs games deal

It’s time to Kill Bill!

Posted by Staff
Tarantino signs games deal
Vivendi has announced that its Black Label has signed a deal with Pulp Fiction creator Quentin Tarantino to create a video game based upon his upcoming movie Kill Bill.

The game will closely follow the film script in which Uma Thurman wakes from a coma with a bullet in her head and seeks revenge on her old boss, Bill.

“The combination of our creative and technology teams coupled with Quentin’s vision promises to deliver a high-quality interactive entertainment experience," said Jim Wilson, president of Black Label Games. "We are excited to extend this innovative franchise into an action game featuring a unique cast of female characters that will appeal to gamers everywhere.” A staggeringly corporate quote containing a good point, well made.

Black Label is the, erm, label behind Enclave and The Thing for Xbox. Expect to see Kill Bill sometime next year on PlayStation 2, Xbox and possibly GameCube.


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