Microsoft E3 2014 Keynote to Stream Live

Can't make it to L.A.? Don't you worry

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Don Mattrick: a great memory of Microsoft's presentations.
Don Mattrick: a great memory of Microsoft's presentations.
Microsoft is to make its E3 keynote presentation on June 9th at 5:30pm GMT over in Los Angeles this year. People will moan about it offering nothing new. Journalists at the event will be whooping and cheering and embarrassing themselves.

According to Microsoft mouthpiece Larry - Major Nelson - Hyrb: "During the briefing, you’ll be treated to everything from in-depth looks at previously announced games to trailers for our unannounced games coming in 2014 and beyond. You can stream Xbox: Game On live beginning on June 9 at 9:00 AM PDT with our pre-show coverage on, Xbox Live, and Windows Phone globally. You can also watch Xbox: Game On on Spike TV in the U.S. and Canada at 9:30 AM PDT."

Now, let's all remember last year...



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